Tuesday 28 September 2010

Eco-friendly biodegradable containers

  • Reduce waste pollution
  • Environmental friendly
  • Made from 100% natural oil palm fibre using the latest technology
  • Biodegradable
  • Non toxic
  • Applicable for various type of foods
  • Disposable
  • Non waxed coated
  • Micro-waveable

Stop using Polystyrene for the sake of our Mother Nature.


  1. I agree with the idea of going green, banning polystyrene and plastic and all things harmful to mother nature and humans. It is cheaper to use plastics to take away but in the long term we are causing harmful damage to our bodies and environment. As future teachers i will promote healthy green living to my students. Thank you for sharing this post

  2. yea...promote the going green attitude towards the students is a good way to make them appreciate and love the nature.Like Sandra said...this also can be practice in students life by not using plastic or anything that can be harmful to the nature.

  3. Eco-friendly biodegradable containers have become very popular today to make our Earth, a green and safe earth. Packaging manufacturers and suppliers are constantly working towards improving the designs concepts of packaging so as to make the product more attractive and easy to use. One such design concept is Eco friendly packaging. If packaging industry provides a solution for current ecological needs, its all the more better. I will surely encourage my students to learn the importance of preserving the nature and expose them to the use of these Eco-friendly biodegradable containers instead of the usual harmful plastic or polystyrene containers.


  4. I have since try to adopt the practice of bringing my own container whenever i need to take away food from the stall. The campaign and media that constantly highlight the bad effect on Mother Earth through wide usage of Polystyrene and plastics had really made an impact on me. As a future educator, I will surely share my knowledge to my students and help to preserve Mother Earth.

  5. I agree with Adeline that Eco-friendly biodegradable containers have be most popular today.Hence, me also frequently using the Eco-Pack when I want to buy some food at cafeteria.I also suggest that Eco-Pack containers are free dangerous radicals, easy absorb the excess oil from the food and the most important is it's cheap.
