Thursday 26 August 2010

Cell phone Reselling!

ReCellular - Best Gadget Reselling Company


  • An eco-friendly business model
  • New market of taking back cell phone and resell
  • Showing the users benefit of buying used cell phone
  • A philanthropic streak - Phones for Haiti



  1. Chia Ling Mei:
    I think this effort is very good yet there are many people who think that buying used cell phone means inferior. For me, there is nothing bad about this business. The most important is the phone can be used. Why we have to chuck away the phone since it can still function very well? Sell it to the company so that they can resell to the person in need!

  2. Yes we can see more and more of bins in Malaysia where we can dump in used batteries, mobile phones and other small electronic gadgets. It looks like it is helping the earth because it is not dumped into rubbish bins.However,I am not very sure what they can do with all this if recycled. Maybe you can try to write a post on this?
